Ways To Prevent Hearing Loss

As a creator, beat-maker, musician or performer, you will spend so much time listening to loud music that your hearing might be impacted. It's important to protect your ears as much as you can and as EARLY as you can to prevent hearing loss. 

The two most common ways people lose their hearing is age and noise. Loud sound over time can damage the hair cells in your ears. 


Here are our tips for preventing hearing loss:
  • Protect your ears with ear plugs - this includes while creating a beat or working in the studio, attending a music concert, or any other space where there is loud sound

  • Don't listen to music at more than 60% of the maximum volume

  • Try to limit your headphone and earbud usage to one hour at a time and take 5 minutes of break in between

  • Get your hearing tested if you can

  • Earplugs can range in their price and quality, but are still worth buying if you can only afford lower price ones. 

Here are a few ear plugs we recommend looking into:

Create An Original Drum Pattern On Soundtrap


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